Update on Life and Writing


Well, friends. It’s been a minute since last I posted. The world kinda crashed in case you’ve been living under a rock. Not crashed as bad as all those post-apocalyptic books, mind you. It’s NOT just a handful of hot teenagers who have survived. I’m still here too! But it’s definitely been a weird time. I admit that I miss seeing strangers smile (is that a weird thing to miss) since the masks cover their mouths. I kind of miss mouths in general. And lipstick. Man, I miss that (for me, not strangers).

We have spent lots of time enjoying the great outdoors and spending time with our weird little animals.

Here in my she shed (okay, it’s just a couch in my family room because I can’t afford a she shed), I’ve been hard at work on several projects. When the world shut down, I had about six weeks of fantastic productivity, and over the last few months, I’ve been working on getting rough drafts for all the books in my Determiner series (for a sneak peek, have a look at my Works in Progress). At the end of July, I completed a draft for the third book and am now about 20,000 words into the fourth book (and boy are my arms tired–well, hands. P.S. These terrible jokes are not a reflection of my actual book writing; well, probably). I wanted to get the entire six book series drafted before diving into publishing and selling them so that I’m sure to plant all the little hints and goodies, and have things work out just beautifully for you readers.

On the non-fiction front, I’ve also been working with my husband on a compilation of some of his stories as a paramedic. It’s been a fascinating (and sometimes tear jerking) project and we hope to get you that book in 2021.

I hope you and yourn are doing well during this crazy time. And just for fun, I’ve left you a picture of me smiling. I hope you can too!

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