Four Seconds out on Audible!

How’s everyone holding in there? Life has certainly been crazy the last few months. I hope that this post finds you all well and that you and yourn are staying safe. I hope your kids aren’t driving you nutsies. And I hope you’ve had a gorgeous spring. If any of those things isn’t true, I hope that things will look up soon and am sending all the good vibes your way.

I also hope that if reading is your sanity and your solace, you have found some good things to indulge in.

Today I’m happy to announce that Four Seconds, Laura Andrade’s book (which I helped write) came out on Audible (and can also be found on iTunes). So for any of you audio readers out there, it’s here!

To celebrate, we’re giving out 5 coupon codes to the first five takers. You can leave a comment here or message me on my social media.

And if you’ve got an account and don’t need a coupon code, then by all means, download that book already.

The book was narrated by the talented Belinda Lams. I asked if I could share her bio and she’s been through so many interesting (and some heart-breaking) things. I hope you enjoy getting to know her just a bit as much as I did.


Belinda Lams is a podcast producer/host, audio book narrator, voice over artist, and background singer. Her early career was spent in television production, working on variety shows such as “The Golden Globes” and “The Dolly Parton Show.” After losing her daughter, Aria, to leukemia in 2004, Belinda set out on a quest to find healing and life direction. She became a Certified Life Coach and helped many of her clients find their own healing and purposeful path. After hosting and producing two podcasts, she developed her most recent show called “The Moment When…” where she shares inspiring stories of people who have been on The Hero’s Journey. Her musician husband of 30 years, composes original soundtracks for each guest. Belinda loves hiking, yoga, learning, traveling, and spending time with her husband, Jeff, and grown son, Jordan.



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