Fun Stuff: Book Club and Vogel School


The best book club (or most of us; we missed those who couldn’t make it)

This week my little writerly self got a much needed social boost (because it becomes easy as a writer to sit around in your sweats/pj’s/sweatypj’s when you spend your time writing most of the day). So this week, it was fun to put on real clothes and head out into the world.

First off, my book club did my book as their book this month. I was kind of nervous. Like, sweaty nervous. But it was so so much fun.

Shameless self-promoting plug: If you ever do Grey Stone at your book club, and want me to come, I will. I will even put on real clothes. You’re welcome.

Then today I went to the first of what I hope become many school presentations. I went Vogel Elementary (home to my very own daughters) and did some fun writing stuff with the 6th graders. Again, I was nervous. I mean, these guys were tweens, not a group of friends chatting about a book. I was worried the kids would be bored, or rude, or maybe make fart noises when I walked by. Nope. None of the above. They were perfectly wonderful; they engaged in the writing exercises and seemed to enjoy them; and I didn’t hear any farting noises, real or otherwise. Seems like a win to me.

Shameless self-promoting plug: If you ever want me to come discuss writing with kids at your school or home school group, I would love to. Just contact me via the contact form above.

Here are a few pictures from the event. I wish I could post more kid shots, but without their parents permission I can’t. Suffice it to say that it was a lovely sight to see them hunched over their papers, writing away. And they were also eager to share what they’d written. I love that.

Some of the lovely and amazing teachers at Vogel (plus my lovely and amazing daughter Elizabeth). Big shout out to Mrs. Springer who coordinated with me and to the principal, Mr. Howard, for letting me come and donating books for a door prize. And just thank you to all the wonderful teachers that helped out today.
This is me writing away with the kids. We had fun!

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