April 27, 2017

  May 1st is the last day to enter the Book Giveaway for Children’s, Middle Grade, and YA books. You’ll notice Grey Stone among them (of course). You can win one or all of these Kindle books when you enter. And since this giveaway is a little smaller than others I’ve participated in, your chances…

April 7, 2017

The companion book to Grey Stone is called Grey Lore. Per the title, it plays with the idea of wolves and the lore that surrounds them. Tonight I was checking out a little picture inspiration.             Large numbers of wolves following the call of a strange and powerful Alpha.

April 2, 2017

So I’m trying to learn my way around the world of cons. This one was sponsored by Evansville. Thus, the Eville. Get it? Once again, I shared a booth with my friend Terri (author T.I. Dunsterville with her book Warlocks of Evergreen). Our books are similar enough to attract the right crowd, but different enough…

March 21, 2017

Time to celebrate the first day of spring (and it doesn’t even involve weeding the millions of weeds that have become my flower garden; lucky you). We’re doing a spring giveaway for Grey Stone. Enter for the chance to win a copy. Perfect for spring break. Perfect for whenever. Here are the details: AmazonGiveaway for…

March 7, 2017

“I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.” ~Joan Didion I’ve been doing a little research into a journaling workshop I’ll be doing later this summer. As I’ve buzzed around the internet, there are a lot…