

The Determiner (book 1 in The Determiner Series) by Jean Knight Pace and Jacob Kennedy

Kindle, Paperback, Hardback

The Z’astra (book 2 in The Determiner Series) by Jean Knight Pace and Jacob Kennedy (psst, this is a draft of the cover; the final one will be coming soon)

Kindle, Paperback, Hardback


The Ethereal (book 3) preorder $.99

Preorder Kindle

Pulse: A Paramedic’s Walk Along the Lines of Life and Death A collection of essays by James Pace and J.K. Pace

Kindle, Paperback. And now available on audio!


From Snow by J.E. Pace (my pen name)

available for preorder on Kindle or on Kindle Vella


From Asphalt: A sweet romance by J.E. Pace (my pen name)

Available in paperback, ebook, and on Kindle Vella


From Gunpowder: A sweet romantic mystery by J.E. Pace (my pen name)

Paperback, Ebook


From Ashes: A sweet romance by J.E. Pace (my pen name)

Paperback, Ebook


Four Seconds: A Memoir by Laura Andrade with Jean Knight Pace

Paperback, Ebook, Audio


Hugging Death: Essays on Motherhood and Saying Goodbye by Jean Knight Pace

Kindle, Paperback


Grey Stone by Jean Knight Pace and Jacob Kennedy

2016-592 eBook, Jean Knight Pace and Jacob Kennedy, Grey Stone

Paperback, Ebook, Audio


Grey Lore by Jean Knight Pace and Jacob Kennedy

Paperback, Ebook, Audio


Grey Fall and Other Stories Available on Kindle Vella.

Kindle, Paperback